
Where – C&F BLADE | Saturday

Antropoloops is one of the most unique proposals in the Andalusian scene, combining remix, ethnomusicology and data visualization. ‘Lik’ is Antropoloops’ third release. Rubén Alonso generates new songs by mixing different samples from throughout the world geography. Also, in the process, he shows us the cover, the year and the place of origin of the sound sample, through a data visualization tool developed by Esperanza Moreno.

The pre-Columbian myth of ‘ Lik ’, reflected by Claude Levi-Strauss in his book ‘Structural Anthropology’, serves as a thread for this edition. A 17 minute session created with 136 loops from traditional South American music, ‘Lik’ mixes sounds gathered from the CREM (Centre de Recherche en Ethnomusicologie) as well as from a wide range of internet musical blogs, plus others obtained thanks to collaboration with various European collectors.

The result is a unique proposal created through the remixing process that adds to its musical and research value an informative aspect as the data visualization tool reflects the sources used in the whole process of musical construction. Rubén Alonso and Esperanza Moreno have been developing Antropoloops since 2014, when they released Antropoloops # 01 , which included eight songs plus their correspondent illustrative collage and was followed by Antropoloops # 02 in 2015.

The live proposal has been seen in spaces as the ZEMOS98 festival, Radiópolis in Seville, CSIM in Lido Adriano in Italy or the TEDx talks in Madrid, as well as events such as Monkey Week, BAMCultura Viva or Recorreguts Sonors in Barcelona. In the international scope, Antropoloops has visited Santiago de Chile, Buenos Aires, Switzerland or Germany. Whether as a live session or with a more informative format, Antropoloops also offers a more informative format in which Rubén Alonso explains and puts into value the sources of those who drink within the process of musical construction from the remix.

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